20 May 2024

On Monday, 20 May Ropes Crossing Public School students gathered for a shared reading of Bowerbird Blues by Aura Parker for the National Simultaneous Storytime. We were lucky to have a special guest Barry Bowerbird read the book for us. Held annually by the Australian Library Information Association (ALIA), a book is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, preschools, and many other places to celebrate books and the value of reading.
This year the Bowerbird Blues story explored themes of searching for something meaningful and being curious in life and about protecting the wonder and beauty in our environment. Also, the story taught us lots of interesting facts about fascinating bowerbirds (Did you know: The male Dharug bowerbirds, named Satin Bowerbirds, are glossy blue, love collecting blue and build a bower using sticks and twigs to attract a mate? Females are speckled olive green, build nests 10-15 metres up in a tree and raise 1-3 chicks on their own?).
Thank you to all Ropes Crossing students for being a captivated audience, celebrating their love of books and sharing stories.
Mr Adams