Ropes Crossing Public School

Growth through learning

Telephone02 9833 7615

Kindergarten Orientation

Kindergarten Orientation Information 2024-2025

Click the links below to access information booklets for parents and students for students starting Kindergarten in 2025.

Student Booklet

Parent Booklet




We are now accepting ONLINE enrolments for Kindergarten 2025. Your child can start Kindergarten at the beginning of the school year if they turn five on or before 31 July in that year. By law, all children must be enrolled in school by their sixth birthday.

How to Enrol

If you are an Australian or New Zealand citizen or permanent resident and live within our designated intake area, you are eligible to complete the online enrolment application. You will then need to finalise the application at the school.

Click here to access School Finder and check that your address is in our catchment.

Parents will be asked to complete the 100-point residential address check to confirm they live within the school’s designated intake area.

Click here to read about the 100-point residential address check

Click here to enrol online.

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